Roofing Terms You Should Know


Changing your roofing is a project that you will most likely prefer to have a professional hire a reputable roofing contractor to do the job. It comes with responsibilities, terms, and equipment that you might not be well-versed with. Especially, most homeowners tend to be surprised at mentioning some roofing terms.

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They might not understand what a roofer means at the mention of certain terms.

To be honest, there are several roofing terms out there that might obviously catch you by surprise. For instance, square refers to the size of your roof. At first, you might think it refers to the shape of your roof, but that is not the case. That is why you need a roofing contractor to clarify such terms so that you can get the hang of what is going on. The other term is decking which refers to the part that is underneath the shingles. The eve edge refers to where the gutter sits.

The rake edge refers to where your two roof sections meet, making the v shape. The gutter apron sits over your gutters. It forces the water to run into the gutter. Another term is an ice and water shield which sits down on your eve edges. It extends 2 feet inside to your exterior wall. For more terms, watch this video to learn what roofing comes with. Understanding those terms is crucial for your roofing project.


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