What About Worker Comp?


Injured on the job

In this economy, people are lucky if they can maintain a job these days. Unemployment has been at an all time high over the past couple of years, and although this is bad, imagine having a stable job but getting injured and not being able to do it. This would simply be devastating. This is where the wonderful offerings to workers compensation comes in, and the workers comp arizona offers is really good.

Instead of weekly wages, workers compensation gives an employee weekly payments instead. This is similar to a form of disability insurance. But having said that, on average individuals receiving forms of disability benefits are paid between 50 percent and 70 percent of their normal wage.

If workers are lucky enough, some of them receive compensation based on the ability of the worker being able to find employment in partial capacity. A worker who has lost an arm can still find work as a proportion of fully able person. Plus, once an injured employees compensation is paid, the employers most important role begins. The employer should then maintain frequently contacting the employees to monitor the healing progress, because if someone is taking advantage of the system too much might lead to calling a workers compensation lawyers Arizona provides.

So what to do if you get hurt at work is pretty easy and people are lucky that it is even an option. Workers comp arizona has is a very promising form of payment to make up for the check you are not receiving each week. Workers compensation premiums are determined through an equation based on the amount of payroll per job function within the business. So this part can definitely vary from employer to employer.

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11 thoughts on “What About Worker Comp?

  1. We are so lucky to have all the benefits this country offers. The fact that are employees must pay us if we get injured is brilliant.

  2. We are so lucky to have all the benefits this country offers. The fact that are employees must pay us if we get injured is brilliant.

  3. We are so lucky to have all the benefits this country offers. The fact that are employees must pay us if we get injured is brilliant.

  4. We are so lucky to have all the benefits this country offers. The fact that are employees must pay us if we get injured is brilliant.

  5. We are so lucky to have all the benefits this country offers. The fact that are employees must pay us if we get injured is brilliant.

  6. We are so lucky to have all the benefits this country offers. The fact that are employees must pay us if we get injured is brilliant.

  7. We are so lucky to have all the benefits this country offers. The fact that are employees must pay us if we get injured is brilliant.

  8. We are so lucky to have all the benefits this country offers. The fact that are employees must pay us if we get injured is brilliant.

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