Building your own garage can come with many questions from cost to build materials, design, and even height. In this video, you’ll learn a few of the best tips on how to build a detached garage.
First, consider what kind of garage door financing you’ll want to use. This means you need to compile a list of materials and prepare your budget.
In some cases, you can find a bank or local credit union that is willing to provide you a small personal loan for the build. In other cases, it may be a better option to just cover the expenses upfront.
Door Height
Now is the time to consider the most likely “issue” with your garage. The most used part of your garage will be the door. If you are hoping to store a car in this detached garage then make sure all of your vehicles and future vehicles that you may want will fit in the garage. Then, also consider if you ever use the roof of your vehicle to carry things. If so, it may make sense to have a slightly taller garage door than normal.
Warm Floors
Detached garage users are usually weekend mechanics, and other project types who love to work and be in the garage. If you live in a cold environment, consider installing a warming mechanism below the floor. Believe it or not, the warming mechanism isn’t that expensive if you go for something like conducting coils.