Did you know that 63% of people who view some form of an electronic magazine’s content, will then visit their website? Digital magazine consumption is on the rise, and becoming more popular. Overall, magazines often lag behind other forms of media that have crossed the digital barrier; many popular print magazines still post no articles online.
However, the shift is occurring, and it’s no surprise that as the amount of online magazine content increases, magazine readership for the 18 to 34 year old segment has been growing. Interested in knowing what the best online magazine websites are? Here are three of the top choices.
1. Wired.com
Wired is a monthly magazine that showcases emerging technologies. You might know it through cultural lexicon– it was this magazine that coined the terms “the long tail” and “crowdsourcing.” Think this magazine might be too technical for you? You’d probably be surprised. Their top articles right now is about radical new teaching methods, Twitter TV ratings, Apple’s iPhone selling strategy, and steps for keeping hackers out of your baby monitor.
2. National Geographic
You won’t be getting a lot of celebrity gossip here; National Geographic prides itself on being one of the best online magazines that focuses on educating people about history, world culture, and geography. The magazine has one of the largest global subscriptions, with over 8 million people receiving it in the mail every week, and it could be said to have one of the best online magazine layouts as well, with an engaging interface and easy to find information. Right now, a few top articles include five animals that like to play dead, and self medicating animals.
Not surprisingly considering the number of members, AARP is actually one of the most widely circulated magazines in the world. Although its news might not be interesting to everyone, for older Americans, there are a lot of informative articles that are geared toward being helpful for daily living. It rates as one of the best online magazine websites because so much of its information and helpful tools can be found not just in print, but in a location everyone can access it. Right now there are useful posts about what people need to know about Medicare enrollment, as well as picking out the right flu shot.
What do you think is the best magazine online?