The Best Way To Assure the Most Successful Move Is To Use a Checklist while you Do It

This is your first big move and you are nervous. I get it. I remember my first time. And you are going long distance to boot. That is quite the brave undertaking for your first move. But there are a few different techniques that you can utilize in order to make this move smooth and successful. How about setting a goal of no crying? There is no crying in moveball. Use some Johnsons No Tears Moving Shampoo.

One of the easiest and cheapest (i.e. free) resources that you have to make sure that your move is smoother than grease through a goose is a moving checklist template. Yes, people have been moving forever. They have had time to perfect the methods, and have conveniently written down what to do when. Whether it is an apartment or home moving checklist template, you can find it online. And you can even edit it on the site in order to make it fit to your specific moving situation. Once it is to your liking, you print it out, and check off all of those little boxes as the move progresses. And just imagine how satisfying it will be when you make that last little check in the final empty box.

And if you think that this moving checklist template is just “Pack bathroom”, “Pack bedroom”, “Pack kitchen”, you are in for quite a surprise. This list will tell you time frames of when things need to be done, whom you need to talk to in order to do them, and even may even offer suggestions as to the order in which to pack the truck. You will see things like “Get utilities turned on at new place day before move” and “Get utilities turned off at old place day after move”.

The proper moving checklist should cover all aspects of the process, not just the actual move portion. And with a hard copy of a fully compiled list, the only thing that you will need to remember in order to make the move as successful as possible, is where did you put that darn checklist? Read more blogs like this:

15 thoughts on “The Best Way To Assure the Most Successful Move Is To Use a Checklist while you Do It

  1. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

  2. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

  3. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

  4. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

  5. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

  6. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

  7. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

  8. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

  9. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

  10. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

  11. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

  12. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

  13. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

  14. now that i know there is a resource for this, i am all about using it to make my next move easier. i hate moving to begin with, but this will most certainly reduce the stress level of having to do everything at once.

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