When the internet exploded during the late 1990s, publishers of print magazines quickly capitalized on the trend, by offering online editions of their print magazines. Although print magazines are far from extinct, millions of readers who were once annual subscribers to print magazines allowed their print subscriptions to expire, and made the switch to online subscriptions. In light of this trend, online magazine publishers began to compete, even if it was among themselves, for the best online magazine layouts. The reason that magazine publishers strive for the best online magazine layouts is to please their readers, and hopefully to gain new ones. After all, the best online magazine design offers a more convenient, user friendly, and pleasant reading experience for those who enjoy reading or browsing online magazines.
While the best online magazine layout can benefit even the most popular and best online magazines, they might be even more valuable to small online magazine publishers. Obviously, the internet and the best online magazine software has made it possible for almost any ambitious and savvy person to publish their own online magazines and fanzines. However, given that the fledgling Hugh Hefners of the world do not have anywhere close to the reputation of the real Hef, they must capitalize upon every possible strategy that might help them to obtain any level of readership. Thus, if the publisher of a small, yet promising, online magazine is able to offer the best online magazine layout, his or her chance for success increases exponentially. On the other hand, how many internet users are going to want to waste their time dealing with poorly designed online magazines when there are dozens of others that offer the best online magazine websites? Exactly, none of them will bother.
The internet has created a plethora of opportunities for both readers and publishers of online magazines. However, only those web magazines that offer the very best online magazine layouts will succeed in the long run. Thus, it is in the best interest of all online magazine publishers to continually strive to offer their readers the best online magazine layouts. Luckily, there are plenty of examples, and a variety of online magazine design software that makes this achievable for any online magazine publisher, regardless of size or reputation