Now that mobile devices and tablets have become popular among many business and healthcare professionals, there is concern that these employee owned mobile devices are compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This health insurance act protects the privacy of patients and their private health care records. “Health 2.0” is a what it is called when mobile devices and software are used to associate and share private health care information between patients, their doctors, and anyone else who is privy to this information. Currently, only 46 percent of health care providers use this type of software, but the HIPAA is still concerned about the privacy compliance. Secure messaging healthcare allows patients to communicate securely and privately with their doctors over secure texting.
Secure messaging healthcare is becoming more and more important as mobile devices become more prominent. Mobile healthcare applications are becoming ubiquitous as well, and that is why secure messaging healthcare is so important. It is very convenient to be able to talk to your doctor via secure text messaging or through mobile medical apps, as long as secure messaging healthcare is put in place.
Application developers are making it simple and convenient for people to keep in touch with their doctor when he is away from the office, and secure messaging healthcare makes sure that it is safe. HIPAA compliant messaging is always in the forefront when a new app is developed in the healthcare field, so there is always peace of mind.
Check out this site for more: www.iqmax.com