Commercial buildings require impressive fire protection systems to ensure they keep everyone safe at all times. Many people are familiar with fire protection systems because they are usually very visible to the trained eye. Looking at a commercial ceiling, it’s easy to trace small water pipes that have sprinkler heads spaced across them as they snake around the room.
The video on this page covers the basic components of most fire protection systems in commercial buildings. There are a few types of systems that it discusses, including dry-line systems, deluge systems, and wet-line systems. While all of these systems put out fires well, they have different uses.
Deluge systems are essential for aircraft hangers and other locations where a small fire can quickly ignite large stores of highly flammable substances. These systems drench all of the building quickly.
Dry-line systems are used in buildings where water damage is a major concern, including libraries. The pipes that connect the sprinklers to the water supply are filled with pressurized air instead of water. If the lines are damaged, they won’t drench the building.
Wet-line systems are very common. The lines are constantly filled with water, but only the sprinklers directly above a fire activate in the event of an emergency.