Building the fence gate is the final step of personalizing a fence project. Working with professionals during this project helps ensures the fence doesn’t drag or sag, according to this video.
The first step to building a fence gate is planning its size depending on the existing opening. Fence builders will create the gate’s frame before securing it with exterior screws and pocket holes. Here are other steps to building a functional gate.
Buy the Required Materials and Tools
Standard tools and materials for building a functional gate include:
• Drill
• Gate hardware kit with a latch and hinges
• Brad nailer
Materials you will need include:
Worth noting is that gates are different. The tools and materials for one homeowner will be other than those of another. The common ones are:
• Screws
• Nails
• Fence pickets
• 4 x 4 treated timber
• 2 x 6 treated timber
• 2 x 4 pressure-treated timber
Build the Fence Gate Frame
This is a critical stage for fence builders in the gate construction process. The gate height depends on the owner’s preference.
The final steps in this process are:
• Install the gate frame
• Install a picket at the front of the gate
• Mount the gate and install the hardware
Working with professional fence builders helps is crucial for the success of a fence gate project. Get in touch with us to book an appointment with one of our professional fence builders.