How To Create The Best Online Magazine Websites


While it used to be that anyone who wanted to create the best online music magazine needed to be a professional web designer, this is no longer the case. Now, thanks to WordPress, anyone can create the best online magazine layout. As such, this can be a great way in which to make money online today since it won’t cost you much to create one of the best online magazine websites.

Anyone who’s interested in putting together the best magazine online, regardless of what niche it may be in, there are some steps that you’ll need to take:
1. Follow the instructions that your host has given you to log in to your web hosting account then log in to your WordPress installation as its administrator.
2. Install the best online magazine design theme. To do this you will need to simply copy the theme to your Theme Folder. Make sure to set the theme as your default blog theme.
3. Make sure to replace the header file in your theme with your magazine’s logo. You’ll want to make sure that this logo looks professional and thus you may need to have a professional designer create it for you so that you’re sure to have one of the best online magazine websites. This will be found in your images folder. It will say that it’s either a header or a logo.
4. Create a page for each type of content that you think would be found within the best online magazine websites. To do this you’ll need to go to the WordPress administration bar and click on create page. Make sure that you link to each page from your magazine’s homepage.
5. Now you’ll be ready to add content to each page in order to finish creating one of the best online magazine websites today. To do this simply click Add Post. Here you’ll find a Rich Text Editor that will allow you to format your text and even add pictures.

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