When someone close to you passes away, simply having their remains in an urn in your home may not be enough to help you through your grief. If your loved one was cremated, you have another option to remember them by: cremation jewelry.
Cremation jewelry is made using several methods.
The simplest jewelry consists of a small vessel that can hold cremated remains securely when worn. These pieces of jewelry include clear vials and metal lockets.
Some people make cremated remains into custom jewelry. The subject of the video posted on this page has made cremation jewelry her life’s work. She shapes cremated remains into custom designs and seals them in resin. Her clients can request practically any design that they think will best represent or honor their deceased loved one.
Some crematories also offer cremation jewelry. If you choose to go with the crematory’s jewelry, you may not be able to get a completely custom piece of jewelry, but you will be able to get it as soon as possible after the cremation is complete. Some people even choose a crematory based on their offerings of jewelry, custom urns, and other keepsakes that honor their loved one.