How Can I Clean My AC Unit At Home?


It’s recommended that you keep your HVAC units routinely inspected and maintained, but you might not know how to do so. Fortunately, there are ways you can do your own HVAC maintenance services. But, remember that it is always better to hire an HVAC professional who will know exactly what to do, so you can save time and money, in the end. In this video, an expert goes over how you can clean your air conditioning unit at home using a simple piece of equipment.

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Before you start the cleaning process, put your air conditioner in fan mode to get the moisture out of it. This can take about 30 to 40 minutes, depending on how much your AC unit has been used lately. Once this is complete, it’s time to clean your unit. Turn your air conditioner off and unplug it. This can ensure it will not be on during the cleaning process, so you can stay safe.

Each air conditioner is different, so it’s important that you understand how to open it as well as take out the filter. You don’t want to ruin your AC unit during this process. To learn all about this process and how you can clean your AC unit like the professionals, watch this video!


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