Longshore and harbor workers load cargo and unload cargo to and from a ship. They are protected under the Longshore and harbor workers compensation act, the Defense Base Act, and the Jones Act.
The Longshore Harbor Workers Compensation Act protects around 500,000 workers that are injured or contract a disease while working on the navigable seas of the United States. This longshore workers compensation is distributed by the Division of Longshore and harbor workers compensation which is a division of the Office of Workers Compensation Programs. Sometimes, longshore workers compensation benefits are administered by an authorized insurance carrier.
The Defense Base Act, or DBA, is the extension of the federal workers compensation program. The Defense Base Act protects longshoremen, harbor workers, and employees of United States defense bases overseas. The Defense Base Act is designed to provide compensation and medical treatment to these employees. Injuries that result in death are a special case under the Defense Base Act. DBA death benefits include survivors benefits based on the employees AWW, average weekly wage, and funeral expense benefits up to 3,000 dollars. When claiming Defense Base Act benefits it is important to be informed. Hiring a Defense Base Act attorney will ensure success in claiming DBA benefits.
The Jones Act is Section 27 of the Merchant Marine Act. The Jones Act regulates cabotage, or coastal shipping, between United States waters and United States ports. The Jones Act requires that good transported by water between United States ports are carried in United States flagships that are built in the United States, owned by citizens of the United States, and crewed by United States permanent resident citizens.
Again, when attempting to claim benefits, it is important to be knowledgeable. Hiring a Defense Base Act attorney or a Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act attorney will greatly help with making maritime claims.
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