According to recent statistics collected by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the construction industry is the fourth most dangerous field in which to work. Even though the statistics show that there are a higher number of work-related fatalities in the agricultural, mining, and transportation industries, construction workers experience far more work-related injuries.
Although the above numbers reflect only work-related injuries and deaths that occurred in the United States, the dangers involved in working construction transcends invisible borders. For example, there were still 148 construction deaths in the United Kingdom between 2012 and 2013, even after an 18% decrease in the number of fatalities from the year before.
It is difficult to tell if the reduction in United Kingdom construction deaths was a result from improvements in fall arrest equipment, rigging safety training, or better crane safety training, but it is clear that safer equipment and better training has had a positive impact on the construction industry.
While required safety training and improved equipment has reduced the number of work-related injuries and fatalities in the construction industry, there is still a long way to go. After all, around 20% of all work-related fatalities still involve construction workers.
Clearly, having better fall arrest equipment and lifting slings is not enough to eliminate construction industries. The bottom line is superior safety equipment only works when it is used properly; and proper usage requires mandatory safety training. Good references here: www.certex.com