Industrial Insulation Blanket Installation


Have you ever wondered how industrial machinery can be so efficient? A lot of energy in mechanical processes is wasted as heat. So, for some pieces of equipment, including furnaces and water heaters, professionals use industrial insulation blankets to keep the heat where it belongs. These blankets are typically made with layers of high-tech materials, including heat-reflective fabrics and high-quality insulation that stays flexible.

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The video on this page shows how a technician installs an industrial insulation blanket over an intricate-looking piece of equipment. The blanket includes large rivets that allow it to be secured to the machinery it’s made for with wires. The technician fits the blanket over the equipment, then wraps a wire around a rivet to secure it. Then he extends that wire over part of the equipment and brings it back to another rivet. He secures the wire to the second rivet. Between the two rivets and the sturdy wire, the blanket is held in place.

The technician repeats this process until all the rivets have wire wrapped around them and the insulation blanket is firmly secured around the equipment with little to no air gap. This ensures the blanket will provide the best possible insulation for the equipment, which should run more efficiently.

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