My uncle runs a successful construction firm, but he has really grown his business lately all because he just found out about construction estimating software, which is a kind of management software that allows him to estimate the costs of a project, so he can allocate his resources much more efficiently. This construction project management software that he has invested in has powerful and intelligent workflows, which connect the dots between key project areas like, estimating, scheduling, procurement, forecasting, change management and project tracking.
The construction estimating software also has a ton of other features on it as well, like procurement management software, engineering project management software and it has project management applications, too, that he can use on his mobile devices.
This software uses a lot of cloud based technology, which is really convenient because it allows my uncle when he is on his job site to access the information that he needs with just his smartphone or a tablet, as previously mentioned. It means he no longer has to have print outs that he cannot manipulate or edit when he is on the site. It also means he does not have to travel back and forth between office and site.
The cloud based apps that he has also gives him access to more than just blueprints and plans. My uncle can get to the time sheets of his employees since these are web based and available pretty much anwyere. This way, he can enter cost data and other information right from the field.
His construction estimating software is not limited, like most others, to just your typical time management system that only lets you work on hours and scheduling. No, the construction estimating software that my uncle has also lets him tackle financial and cash flow aspects, too.
My uncle and his colleagues, whether they are contractors or EPCM organizations, have gained a seriously significant competitive edge just by utilizing this construction estimating software.
Does anyone else have construction estimating software? What is your experience with it like? Do you like using it? Please comment below!
Man I really love being able to edit my workers time sheets right there on the site. It lets me keep track of everything and get the projects built way quicker.
This sounds like its better for bigger projects. I cant possibly go visit all of my crews with the various project that they have across town.
This sounds like its better for bigger projects. I cant possibly go visit all of my crews with the various project that they have across town.
This sounds like its better for bigger projects. I cant possibly go visit all of my crews with the various project that they have across town.
This sounds like its better for bigger projects. I cant possibly go visit all of my crews with the various project that they have across town.
This sounds like its better for bigger projects. I cant possibly go visit all of my crews with the various project that they have across town.
This sounds like its better for bigger projects. I cant possibly go visit all of my crews with the various project that they have across town.
This sounds like its better for bigger projects. I cant possibly go visit all of my crews with the various project that they have across town.
This sounds like its better for bigger projects. I cant possibly go visit all of my crews with the various project that they have across town.
This sounds like its better for bigger projects. I cant possibly go visit all of my crews with the various project that they have across town.
This sounds like its better for bigger projects. I cant possibly go visit all of my crews with the various project that they have across town.
This sounds like its better for bigger projects. I cant possibly go visit all of my crews with the various project that they have across town.
This sounds like its better for bigger projects. I cant possibly go visit all of my crews with the various project that they have across town.
This sounds like its better for bigger projects. I cant possibly go visit all of my crews with the various project that they have across town.