Mobile Device Management



Because more than two hundred million people in the United States use a mobile device, many companies have followed a similar trend, making their business model more oriented toward mobile devices. This mobile business model often incorporates a bring your own device, or BYOD, policy, which allows employees to utilize the same device for both personal and business purposes. Approximately half of companies that maintain a BYOD model require employees to cover technology costs, and few of them object to this requirement. Some companies relegate employees to certain brands or types of mobile devices, such as iPhone or Android, for streamlining purposes, so that information can easily be transmitted and synced between employee devices. One of the largest concerns with BYOD models is sensitive client information or proprietary company information that could be lost during transmission or in the event of loss or theft of the device. For this reason, there are a number of mobile device management programs that focus on encryption and other mobile device and iPhone security protocols.

Mobile device and iphone management includes a number of aspects, such as encryption and data scrambling, data extraction, and enhanced password protection. BlackBerry phone security is exceptionally strong and can be customized, but iphone security can be easily circumvented, requiring support from a type of software that acts as a preventative to protect proprietary and customer information. In 1998, the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm was published and soon adopted by the US Government. It is widely regarded as unbreakable, and the program can be used in iPhone security protocols. This program and other software, such as “software as a service” and “on premise models”, can be used in iPhone security as well. Find out more about this topic here.

15 thoughts on “Mobile Device Management

  1. How can a company expect employees to be financially responsible for all technology costs when the device and their phone plan gets used for business as well? Shouldn’t the company be partially responsible for the bill?

  2. Do employers track their employees’ whereabouts and use of the device outside of work hours? Is that legal?

  3. Do employers track their employees’ whereabouts and use of the device outside of work hours? Is that legal?

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